Create an optimal climate for you agricultural barn

For an optimal climate in your barn, you have come to the right place. We offer advice, supply necessary materials, and provide technical support for the agricultural sector. We are here for you, whether you are active in the pig, poultry, cattle, or other livestock sectors.

Contact us

Our extensive selection includes control equipment, fans, inlet systems, software/energy management and equipment for heating, cooling, heat recovery, alarming, feeding, and more. With over 30 years of experience, we offer comprehensive solutions for climate control in the agricultural sector.

As a distributor of renowned brands such as Stienen BE and Multifan fans, we offer not only our own products but also a wide selection of quality products.

Agrarische totaaloplossingen

Comprehensive solutions
Heat recovery, cooling.
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Control equipment
Controllers, climate computers, frequency converters and various accessories

Pressure fans, exhaust fans, recirculation fans, accessories

Agrarische buizen

 Roof penetrations/pipes
Roof penetrations, pipes, accessories

verwarming stal

AHP heat pump, absorption/delivery panels, heat infrared heating panel, SDP, heating profile, underfloor heating manifold, accessories 

HPT mist cooling

WTW agrarisch

Heat exchange
Aerox heat exchanger, AIR-DS, PolyCoil, stainless steel pipe exchanger


stal alarm

Octalarm alarm dialer, alarm panels, alarm system, emergency power supply​

Pig dry feed computers, poultry feed computers, feed scales, silo weighing computer

Inlet systems 
Air inlets, winches/motors

FarmConnect, FarmRemote

Animal weighing, egg counting, design tools, installation examples​